As a business, we understand how important it is to educate people about our operations and the critical role we play in the meat and agricultural industries.
Children and young people are becoming more environmentally aware and it’s our responsibility to educate them on ways to reduce, reuse and recycle waste, and the wider environmental impact our actions today will have for decades to come.
It is estimated that more than 2.2 million tonnes of by-products from food manufacturing are used to create animal feed and around 2 million tonnes of animal by-products are sent to rendering plants in the UK each year.
Have you ever wondered how much of an animal is inedible and therefore classed as waste; 49% of a cattle carcass; 44% of a pig; 37% of a chicken; and 57% of most fish species. That’s where we come in – we don’t see waste; we see material that can be recycled to create ingredients for products which are used by people every day.