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Specialising in the collection and processing of animal by-products

Leo Group is committed to building and maintaining long-lasting relationships with our suppliers and partners. Our collection and rendering services are strategically sited around the UK to ensure we can fulfil these functions which are essential in the food chain.


We offer a wide range of services to cater for every collection and processing requirement.

Almost 2 million tonnes of the meat industry’s waste is collected and processed by animal by-product rendering businesses in the UK each year. Without services like ours, which recycles this waste and turns it into reusable, marketable products, the material would end up in landfill.

We have collection services across the UK and utilising some of the most advanced techniques ensures we gather and dispose of animal by-products professionally and efficiently without compromising on biosecurity.

From collecting animal by-products from abattoirs, butchers and poultry processors to fallen stock on farms and exotic animals in zoos we have a fleet of vehicles specially designed to meet any requirement. This includes self-loading trucks and tankers with hydraulic metal lids.

Our in-house rendering services in Bradford, Penrith and Kintore process category 1 and category 3 material ensuring we can offer an end to end solution in the food chain.

We are the only animal by-product company in the UK carrying material in sealed tankers and trailers with hydraulic metal lids.

Fallen Stock

We provide a prompt and professional service With the aim of collecting fallen stock including exotic animals within 48 hours of being notified.


We specialise in creating usable materials from a variety of by-products and waste streams, working closely with our suppliers and customers to provide effective solutions.